Would you call your highly paid business mentor a VA, or an outsourcer? What about your lawyer…. I bet you wouldn’t…. So why do you call your highly skilled designers, web developers, accountants & graphics designers “virtual assistants”, when in reality they are highly trained specialists. As someone who’s highly trained (tertiary level), with a lot of […]
An open letter to the people who tell me my website sucks and I should stop marketing immediately. Nobody cares about your website. No really... they don’t. As a guy who does technical work for a living that might seem like an strange point of view. I get emails all the time along the lines […]
I’m going to let you in on a secret. A piece of the puzzle that alluded me for years. A myth that I didn’t even realize that I’d bought, hook line and sinker. You see we are bombarded with these messages, day in day out all over the facewebs. “Crack The Code to […]
There’s a myth that I see playing out daily on Facebook these days when it comes to marketing & lead generation. Autopilot Lead Generation, Automated Business, Transplant a winning campaign into your business. Sell one of these 50 profitable products and win at business. Now I’m into technology far more than most - and it’s […]
So who’s taking care of your marketing right now? No, really, who’s taking care of that for you? You're Probably Screwed If it’s anyone other than you, the business owner, you’re probably screwed, or worse, you don’t even realise you’re screwed. Here’s why. If your business is turning over less than $3 million a year, you should […]
1. You're In Technical Overwhelm If the mere thought of setting up DNS, hosting, wordpress, plugins and themes is causing you heart palpitations - you shouldn’t even start doing your own technical work. Your mentor is probably telling you to learn all this yourself, but if you’re freaking out even at the thought of doing […]
I'm always fascinated when Apple comes out with new products - their ads are just amazing. They tell a story. They engage and captivate you - their marketing prowess is undeniable. Recently though, we're starting to see some other companies doing this REALLY well too. Here's two examples that blew my mind this week... watch […]
I always find it hilarious when people attempt to shop my process ... my marketing ... my systems ... my tech As if once they find the 'secret' the door will open and cash will come raining into their business and solve all their problems. I mean it's no surprise, we get some pretty amazing […]
Could something as innocent as bounced credit card payment from your “provider” kill your website, email and domain names in one foul swoop? I’ve spoken to a number of people for whom this is the case. This article is semi-technical, but as the business owner this is stuff you NEED TO GET RIGHT. If you […]