A lot of my high end clients are time poor. One of the reasons they are successful is they understand the interplay between money and time - so I made a little video about this idea after I was prompted from a meme on Facebook.
Charging by the hour is the devil. It should be banned. I think it’s the biggest thing that kills off innovation and creativity in small business. Most business owners would agree that they want their business to be innovative, high quality businesses. Especially in the highly skilled knowledge work area. You didn’t get into business to be […]
I find there is such huge resistance to actually running the numbers in your business and thinking of the impact of the right message and offer. You can get away with this when you're selling referrals in your business. To people who know what you do and the value you provide - selling programs or […]
Recently I’ve seen some shady advertising for lead generation systems that have generated hundreds or thousands of leads for clients... in weeks. Their evidence? Screenshots of ads that have a number of comments. 150 comments, circled in red, followed by “150 leads”. As someone who generates leads for clients on a day to day basis […]
“You know you could make way more money just doing this....” she said. “You know this would be far less work for far more money....” “You know you’d actually enjoy these clients far more than what you’re doing now....” Over and over again, my mentor would jokingly poke me about my business and why I […]
In years gone by, you could make the argument that you didn't really need a website to grow your business effectively. You could simply create your Facebook page and conduct most of your business through that. You could easily connect with your community and get your messages, offers and updates out to your loyal followers […]
Over the years, online marketing has become both far more common and easy to access while simultaneously becoming more complex and difficult to get right. Never before has it been easier to set up your own campaigns and promote your content - with Facebook leading the charge in this arena for many years now. But […]
Have I gone mad? Yes you read that right. Is 2019 the year to NOT grow your business? At this time of year, everyone's shouting at you to grow your business.To take on more challenges. To do more projects. To have more clients! To make 2019 your biggest year EVER! But what if 2019 was […]
A lot of people I speak to get the concept of doing more with less. Except there's a common follow up: "Yeah... but how?" Especially when you're a high achiever and your whole live is about hitting higher goals and doing more. So I thought I'd just run through some of the ideas we've implemented […]
No, an app isn't a business. A product? Sure. A service? Totally could be. An in-house tool? Absolutely. But a business? Absolutely not. Yet there's every man and his dog out there trying to become an App-preneur. To build a stable of apps that deliver passive income for years! Except an app isn't a business. […]